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Botny-Architectural Roof waterproof

1. 100% of this product content is imported raw materials, with
specialfeatures of infrared reflection paint, can significantly
inhibit the rise of roof surface temperature.
2. This product can effectively reduce the coating surface temperature,
thereby reducing coating aging caused by high temperature.
3. This product contains organosilicon acrylic resin and uv HALS agent,
with super weatherability.
4. This product also has a strong resistance to acid rain,acid snow,
and the special efficacy of tail gas pollution resistance.


1. 100% of this product content is imported raw materials, with
specialfeatures of infrared reflection paint, can significantly
inhibit the rise of roof surface temperature.
2. This product can effectively reduce the coating surface temperature,
thereby reducing coating aging caused by high temperature.
3. This product contains organosilicon acrylic resin and uv HALS agent,
with super weatherability.
4. This product also has a strong resistance to acid rain,acid snow,
and the special efficacy of tail gas pollution resistance.

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